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How to Win Him Back and Make Him Want You Again
This works EVEN IF you feel powerless to stop lovers neglect. And even if he no longer responds to your texts...
Discover 4 Secrets In This Free Video...

Get him back and make him stay for good this time...

Your heart is begging for the answer for how you can get him back.

Rewrite past baggage he’s holding onto and make him love you more than ever before...

You deserve to know how you can make your love life 100x better.

Test the waters with and find out exactly what he wants without sounding needy...

You will turn the tables by finally getting rid of the one thing that caused the breakup in the first place using the 4 step method.

Get yourself unstuck and get rid of any feelings of desperation and heartache using NLP

You need to act fast before he starts looking for another woman...
Instant Online Access
Has he texted me back? 


And it's no surprise. I sent that text over 3 weeks ago, and he is still a GHOST.

Why is he avoiding me? Why doesn't he say what he's thinking?


Does he feel the same way right now, or has he moved on? 

Tossing and turning in bed. The question has no answer.

And that pain you feel in your heart, when the other half of you has left - will it ever end?

All I can remember is why he left...

The day is a terrible blur. Yelling back and forth.

Saying things that neither of us even fully remember now.




It's like the mind starts to blur this ugly side of ourselves as soon as these things are said. 
A part of you is missing; if your mind is stuck, and your heart feels broken? 
If you have a man who is stringing you along after a breakup. Or even if you have a man who used to be close...

He used to sleep in your bed.

But now he's so distant, you can only call him a ghost.

Men DO NOT do this for a MILLION different reasons...

And science has now proven that hole that you feel is VERY REAL.

Do you feel the hole?

A part of yourself that's now missing? 

A place in YOU where HE used to be.

Confusion sets in when we try to repair this. Everyone, including you and me, gets stuck here.

It's at this fork in the road after a breakup. 

To the LEFT, is the path that leads him back into your arms. 

And to the RIGHT, is a life without him. A life you probably can't imagine right now.
This means there is a way...
Here's the good news...

Couples are reuniting right now, as I'm writing this letter to you. Even in the most hopeless situations, they get back together.

And even if this sounds impossible for you and your ex, all you have to do is look at your life.

Haven't you heard of a friend, or a family member who has gotten back together?

Even after leaving for years, I've seen it happen.

People find a way to rebuild what was broken.
"Boyfriends and husbands come back EVEN WHEN it seems impossible!"
If we could somehow look into the future, this is what we could see:

He's back now. 

He's here to stay. 

You wake up next to one another. 

The fighting isn't happening anymore - it's a thing of the past.


It's where you're back in the life you want with him. A sort of relationship heaven here on Earth.

And when he holds you, you look deeply into his eyes and you know. 

He's back. You can tell he loves you now and will forever.

You can tell. When you put your head against his chest, as he squeezes you, and hear his heart beating...
He's back now, and he loves you more than before you broke up. 
It's not your fault that you're stuck right here. Because everyone gets stuck here. 

Something tells you there's a way through this dark forest ahead. Something in the back of your mind, or maybe it's a niggle in your heart - You have to believe that there might be a way to get him back...

The good news is that you and I already know what it will look like. 
 4-Steps to Rebuild What You Lost
What happened here?

What changed?

What did you do that brought him back?

In a minute I'd like to share what we discovered here at the American Dating Society. It's a clear path to working through a breakup.

What this is NOT:

- This is not about the Magic Words.

- There's no Magic Text.

- There's no Magic here, at all.

This is about experience. This is a formula based on experience. Luck couldn't have found this. Theories also couldn't have come close to what actually works.

Only an experience based formula works to get back your ex.

There's really no other way I can say it - The Experience 4-Step Formula

After all, your relationship is BROKEN.

That's why they call it a... Breakup!

When you break a car, where do you take it? Do you tow your rig to the dentist and ask him for advice? Does the dentist pull out his tooth picks and prongs to fix your car? What? Or do you take it to the car shop. Where there's a mechanic who has experience with fixing cars...

And when you break a dishwasher. Do you call up the lawn guy? Do you expect him to show up at your door with a lawn mower and weed whacker... 

Heck no, you call the person who has experience fixing what is broken.

And you're looking for Experience.

It's the same thing here.

So when our readers kept telling us about getting stuck with breaking up...

We looked the world over for the right person - the one who knew how to mend broken relationships.

And we found her.
It's was clear she could fix a broken heart.
Professionals, therapists, relationship experts...

They all laughed in my face when I asked them the same questions our readers were sending in.

These "experts" may not have helping you as their #1 priority. Instead, they seem to have other priorities. Such as $100+ hourly rates... charging clients for months or even years!

You could say that some experts would rather you stay stuck!

All the while, Jane wanted to help - and did.

Jane didn't put on a big show when we first met. Because Jane's experience comes from working with hundreds of couples. She's a Holistic Coach, Marriage and Family Therapist Intern.

She shared the nitty gritty details of what works to create a loving, stable, and lasting relationship.

And when Jane started giving advice for our reader's questions, I hit the record button.
They Wanted Answers:
  • When is it time to fight for him? And when is it time to let him go? How can I even know, clearly beyond a shadow of a doubt what to do here? JANE ANSWERED THIS
  •  How do I deal with cheating? I cheated. Or he cheated. It's the worst situation I can imagine. JANE ANSWERED THIS
  •  He's ghosting me. He won't answer my texts, emails, calls.. nothing. What do I do now? JANE ANSWERED THIS
  •  He's back or almost is. How do I make this last forever now? JANE ANSWERED
  •  Why did he break it off? It seemed like we had a good connection. JANE ANSWERED
Jane Answered All Of It, Once And For All.
Jane went to work and created something very special. I think of it now like a road map to getting back the love of your life. 

I say it's special, because it's also designed to show you when he's not worth getting back.

Because not all men are worth chasing after.

And now you can know when it's time to move on.

What Jane created, is simply called:

How She Wins Him Back

Because that's what it's all about. How you, win him back.

Here's what readers have already said.
Introducing The Full Program of How She Wins Him Back
Instant Online Access
Over 2 Hours of Video With Jane Lu Showing You How to Use the 4 Step Method to Get Him Back:
The 4 Steps Overview
Step 1 : How to Get Situation Clarity
Step 2 : Giving Yourself (Feeling) Clarity
Step 3 : Testing The Water s With Him
Step 4 : Forks In The Road & How to Not Get Stuck Getting Back Together
Plus, You Get $297.00 Worth Of Bonuses!

BONUS Talking to Your Ex Again Hypnosis Audio (a $8.95 value)

-Do you feel stuck with approaching and talking to your ex again? Or does it feel like you just don't know what to do or say?
-That is why we created this special audio. It uses the power of hypnosis to uproot the desperation that can naturally form when trying to reunite with a loved one. Once you begin using this audio during your day, you will notice that the idea of talking to your ex is no longer intimidating.

BONUS Quiet The Emotional Whirlwind Hypnosis Audio (a $8.95 value)

-Did you say something you wish you could take back?
-This is a hypnosis audio which is designed to give you a sense of peace. You deserve and should take a break. Listen to this audio any time you feel caught up in a whirlwind, and it will give you the solace you've been looking for.

7 Essential Secrets To Love That Lasts

Ways in which you can reignite the spark of love and reenergize your relationship. If things are out of  whack, you can work to put them on the right track.

10 No Fail Techniques to Increase Relationship Happiness

From quality time and words of affirmation to acts of service,
recognizing triggers, and honing in on your loved one’s interests, I’m going to teach you 10 no-fail techniques that can help you increase your relationship happiness.
Here's Everything You Get In The Full Program :
  • 5-Part Video Series with Jane Lu (132 Minutes Total) $200 VALUE
  •  Talking to Your Ex Again Hypnosis Audio $8.95 VALUE
  • Quiet The Emotional Whirlwind Hypnosis Audio $8.95 VALUE
  •  7 Essential Secrets To Love That Lasts SURPRISE BONUS! 
  • 10 No Fail Techniques to Increase Relationship Happiness SURPRISE BONUS!
$367.90 Total Value!
But it won't cost $367.90 today...
This full program is not even going to cost the equivalent of one hour of a relationship expert, or $150.00.
No Worries. We have a 30 day money back guarantee
The Proof That This Works...
Yeah.. it helped me. My ex boyfriend today wished me happy valentine's by text.
Thank you.


You helped me to look clearly and to move on tnx for your help
I just wanted to let you know that you have truly helped me, you have pointed me in the right direction. I was able to put some preconceived notions aside and take off the rose colored glasses and move on. He was stringing me along and never going to commit. He is confused at the change and why he doesn't have "power" over me any more. Thank you for your insights and helping to realize my worth without a man.
The truth is I have no idea if we are broken up lol.... He has done this silent treatment 7 times over the last 2 1/2 years, each time I have no idea if we are together or not. He continues to pay my bills and then after he decides when he is willing to speak to me he calls. He is 51 years old wouldn't you think if he wanted to be broken up he would just state it and quit paying my bills ?
Thanks for letting me receive the series and responding to my question.
Hi, I feel more confident dealing with men now, being back in the dating scene after a 22 year marriage. 
Hey..thank q ..this is very useful to me, to get back my ex.
Why This eBook Was Extracted From Our Full Program...
If you're still not through your breakup, then you should have Jane's 4-Step Method.

I will ask you to take a look at our full program. That will come next, after you've decided to join us and get this eBook I'm telling you about right now. But first, I want to make sure you, and EVERYONE who is dealing with a breakup, has this method.

It should be available to everyone.

That's why I'm telling you about the eBook version of our Full Program. It's the core method for how you get him back. And it was extracted right out of our Full Program.

Just take a look at what's inside before you get your hands on this eBook.

Take a Look Inside This eBook...
Readers Are Sending In The Emails Below Because The 4-Step Method Is Based On Experience.
Hello, I'm currently separated from my husband. He's had (still having) an affair and just had a child with the other woman. Your articles have helped me to focus a lot more on myself, making me happy and improving myself to draw him back. You've provided a lot of other resources as well such as links to other sites and videos. Also, should we reconcile I feel I have a lot more information on a better relationship going forward. I thank you for this valuable resource!  
Thank you.
You guys haven't completely helped me yet bc I'm still trying to get him back (our situation is quite precarious). I do however use this as my go-to guide. 
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How She Wins Him Back eBook
  • Step 1 –  Shining Light on Situation Clarity: This chapter clarifies the situation so you can start to get unstuck with your breakup.
  • Step 2 –  Self-clarity Helps You Understand What Really Happened: Should you try to get him back? Use what's in this chapter to see if your relationship is worth saving, or not.
  • Step 3 –  How Does Your Ex Feel About The Breakup: This is the time when you’re going to request to meet because you want to talk it out; you want to see where your ex, stands.
  • Step 4 –  The Fork In The Road: Don't let the same problems cause another breakup. This chapter helps you rebuild yourself before jumping back into the relationship.
  • The Beauty of Rebuilding a  Relationship: How to Forgive & Let Go of the Past 
  • Dealing with Reality... "Expect Road Construction" because reuniting isn't always easy. Here's how to navigate the reunification process.
Hi, I was dating my ex-lover for 1 year & 2 months. He's currently involved with someone else. We have been talking mainly by text. We had a in person conversation & he told me he still has strong feelings for me & would like to get together. You have helped me understand that that it's okay & it's possible we can get back together. Thank-you for the advice.
Meet Jane Lu, creator of the 4 step method...
Go From Breakup to Breakthrough & Finally Get The Love Life You've Always Dreamed Of With The Perfect Man For You!
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30 Day Money Back. If you're not full satisfied, please personally email me at admin@asnamnat.org and I will give you a full refund of the purchase amount.
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